Monday, November 11, 2013

Switch Off Sunday round-up.

Hello everyone!

How did you find your switch off Sunday. Did you participate? Did you struggle with it? What did you do as your activities?

Mine was productive and different. I didn't have any communication on the phone or computer. I went to work and helped out for a couple of hours and then got some movies to watched. Yes, I watched movies and a tv show on my switch off Sunday and it was nice. I know it's meant to be a break from technology but I felt like it was beneficial for me to watch tv. I had a nice time relaxing.

Let me know how it went in the comments :)

Goddess Rosalinda.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November Check-In of 100 Things to do in 2013!!

Another update because it's November, which means 2013 will soon be ending! I actually have managed to get more crossed off my list. Amazing!!

1. Maze in Tenterfield. (There is a maze in Tenterfield that I really want to go through)
2. Make cards - I am making so many of them.
3. Go to Brisbane for NYE!! (Perhaps one of my big ones) Changing it to Coffs.
4. Have 1 smoothie per week.
5. Paint nails once each month.
6. Make new friends.
7. Cardmaking group. (I would love a group of ladies who all get together and make cards)
8. Gym bunny I hate the gym. So much, that the last time I used my membership was in February. I cancelled it 3 days ago.
9. Walk every day 30 mins
10. Belly button piercing
11. Dinner nights with friends I have done a few of those.
12. Finish flower tapestry
13. Do ballroom tapestry
14. Design a tattoo for wrist (now going to be foot) - Kim, dragon butterfly - this ended up being on my leg and is just a yellow and black butterfly - the yellow was Kimmy's favourite colour, and her spirit form is butterflies. Plus they're just an awesome little creature. I am still planning my dragon tattoo but this goal is now complete!!!
15. Buy 5 new pairs of shoes (It is my list after all)
16. Lose 10 kilos
17. Reinstate Switch Off Sundays
18. Visit the beach every time I go to Coffs.
19. Delve more into magic.
20. Kiss a boy. - I have kissed a boy. 5 years later but we finally got there, this special boy and I!
21. Kiss a girl. - Technically, I'm always kissing girls. I'm an affectionate person.
22. Stick to BodyTrim for 1 month. - Did do it. Hated it.
23. Read all of the book club books.
24. Go out dancing 6 times.
25. Go to a movie by myself. (slightly scary)
26. Write fan-fiction again.
27. Watch less T.V. - only on DVD - So much TV on DVD!
28. Take pictures of my friends.
29. One new picture every week.
30. Use my camera.
31. Give blood.
32. Send two letters every month.
33. Go bush-walking.
34. Road-trip to Tamworth.
35. Practice Yoga / Pilates
36. Meditate.
37. Keep my house neat.
38. Save $10 every week.
39. Celtic festival, Glen Innes. Didn't end up going.
40. Christmas day at Mum’s.
41. Set a morning ritual.
42. Set an evening ritual.
43. Private.
44. Watch the sunrise.
45. Watch the sunrise on a beach.
46. Get 6 massages.
47. Visit the butterfly house with friends.
48. Eat outside more.
49. Scrap America trip.
50. Do a dream diary.
51. Use healing crystals.
52. Frame flower tapestry.
53. Give it to Nan.
54. Blow bubbles.
55. Do a dress-up day.
56. Take photos of the day.
57. Have 6 picnics. Am working on it - 1 so far!!!
58. 1 picnic at the beach.
59. Buy an anklet with bells on it.
60. Wash my car every week.
61. Donate some of my books.
62. See Joel once. Done!!!
63. Complete Creative Goddess Course
64. Learn Italian. *Update*  A high possibility of starting this next year at uni.
65. Find a penpal in Italy.
66. Review books.
67. Buy vegies from local market
68. Buy myself flowers 12 times.
69. Pay car off. - Yes!!!! DONE DONE DONE!
70. Tarot reading. Kyrah has been kind enough to indulge me.
71. Psychic reading
72. Take brownies into work.
73. Give Jess jewelry stuff. Not anymore, because I'm actually using it myself.
74. Putt Putt Golf
75. Do more felting. Not one of my favourite things.
76. Private.
77. Write a book about Kimmy.
78. Buy 2 more dragon statues.
79. Organise DVDs. Done!!
80. Do a wine-tasting.
81. Spend a day out in nature. - Botanical Gardens in Coffs. Was fantastic.
82. Watch 26 movies - by alphabet.
83. Watch 2 Italian films, in Italian.
84. 30 mins to check Facebook and email per day.
85. Send homemade birthday cards. - Getting so good at it.
86. Learn how to twerk. Don't want to.
87. Visit Byron Bay.
88. Buy a new bra and undies set.
89. Don’t buy any health magazines (they spin out the same stuff every month, most of which I know already) Slowly getting better at this.
90. $100 for goddess circle. - Worth it guys!
91. Wear more dresses
92. 1 blog post every week for card and magic
93. Celebrate every Sabbat.
94. Buy a jewelry wardrobe. Done!!!
95. Finish all the books on my kindle.
96. Grow a flower.
97. Do the 21 day gratitude journal.
98. Go to Ebor falls for half a day.
99. Go to bed early.
100. Private.

Wow. Still a few left to do but I know I'll get them!
How is your list going?

Goddess Rosalinda.

Why I'm Going Back To Switch Off Sundays

Switch Off Sundays.

Something that I used to make time for, which was sort of a guilty pleasure. I didn't watch movies or tv shows, I did not play on the computer, I stopped checking Facebook and emails and I rarely texted or called anyone. It was bliss. Pure bliss. Then I started to feel guilty. I would come back to Facebook and my phone on Monday and have all these messages from people. Anyone in this world who has Facebook and a mobile knows the hassle you get from people when you don't respond. 

What did I do instead of spending my whole day online? I read books. I made jewellery. I crafted cards. I gave myself some solo time to have a D&M with my inner person. Discovered things I never knew about myself. Ultimately, improved my mental and physical well-being. 

It was lovely. Then, like most things, I sort of just stopped doing SOS. There was no decision to stop... it just happened. I started consuming so much more media and constantly talking to people. While I love my friends and chatting to them... I also know I need "me" time. Is that selfish? Some people would say yes. Am I a better person when I take time for myself? Yes, yes, yes! Without a doubt. When I stopped doing SOS, I drifted back into bad habits, and then I started to feel down and not really myself and couldn't figure out what had happened. I had lost that special connection with myself that is vital to my well-being. 

So in honour of looking after myself and making changes that will benefit me, I am re-instating Switch Off Sundays. 
It means (to me):
  • No TV (tv shows, movies, etc)
  • No Facebook, emails, social media sites, blogs, computer games, absolutely nothing to do with a computer.
  • No phone. The only exception will be a if a family member rang up. Since most of mine text or ring on a different day, it shouldn't be a issue.

What I will do instead:
  • Craft - bead, card-making, drawing, painting, whatever I feel drawn to.
  • Read.
  • Listen to music (I will use my iPod for this, however it won't be connected to the internet. It will just play music from my iTunes library.
  • Practice my spiritual path.
  • Relax.
  • Spend time outside with nature. 
  • Manicures/ pedicures.
  • Get a massage.
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
Of course, there can be many more things added to the list and I probably won't do all of them every Sunday. The point of SOS is to make it as relaxing as possible for myself and to create time for the things I enjoy.

It's also making a point of disconnecting from the world. I know it won't stop turning if I take some time out from Facebook. I know my friends won't stop talking to me because I take one day off from speaking to them. (If they do, than not a big loss of a "friend", is it?) I feel that because everyone is so switched on all the time, nobody really knows themselves anymore. This practice for me, is about taking back my own personal power and discovering who I am! I can't wait to start.

I originally got the idea from Leonie Dawson who is a wonderful, incredible, hippy/business/mamma/gigglesnorting lady! This is her masterlist which I always refer back to when I get a bit stuck for ideas.

Anyone interested in joining me on a mini-mind-holiday?
If you do it, let me know how it goes in the comments!

Goddess Rosalinda.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Revision of 100 Things To Do in 2013!!!!

It's the middle of the year guys! It's June. Holy shitballs!! Figured it was time to check back in with my 100 Things to do in 2013 and update them!!!

Here we go.. 

1. Maze in Tenterfield. (There is a maze in Tenterfield that I really want to go through)
2. Make cards - I am making so many of them.
3. Go to Brisbane for NYE!! (Perhaps one of my big ones)
4. Have 1 smoothie per week.
5. Paint nails once each month.
6. Make new friends.
7. Cardmaking group. (I would love a group of ladies who all get together and make cards)
8. Gym bunny
9. Walk every day 30 mins
10. Belly button piercing
11. Dinner nights with friends
12. Finish flower tapestry
13. Do ballroom tapestry
14. Design a tattoo for wrist (now going to be foot) - Kim, dragon butterfly - this ended up being on my leg and is just a yellow and black butterfly - the yellow was Kimmy's favourite colour, and her spirit form is butterflies. Plus they're just an awesome little creature. I am still planning my dragon tattoo but this goal is now complete!!!
15. Buy 5 new pairs of shoes (It is my list after all)
16. Lose 10 kilos
17. Reinstate Switch Off Sundays
18. Visit the beach every time I go to Coffs.
19. Delve more into magic.
20. Kiss a boy. - I have kissed a boy. 5 years later but we finally got there, this special boy and I!
21. Kiss a girl. - Technically, I'm always kissing girls. I'm an affectionate person.
22. Stick to BodyTrim for 1 month. - Did do it. Hated it.
23. Read all of the book club books.
24. Go out dancing 6 times.
25. Go to a movie by myself. (slightly scary)
26. Write fan-fiction again.
27. Watch less T.V. - only on DVD - So much TV on DVD!
28. Take pictures of my friends.
29. One new picture every week.
30. Use my camera.
31. Give blood.
32. Send two letters every month.
33. Go bush-walking.
34. Road-trip to Tamworth.
35. Practice Yoga / Pilates
36. Meditate.
37. Keep my house neat.
38. Save $10 every week.
39. Celtic festival, Glen Innes. Didn't end up going.
40. Christmas day at Mum’s.
41. Set a morning ritual.
42. Set an evening ritual.
43. Private.
44. Watch the sunrise.
45. Watch the sunrise on a beach.
46. Get 6 massages.
47. Visit the butterfly house with friends.
48. Eat outside more.
49. Scrap America trip.
50. Do a dream diary.
51. Use healing crystals.
52. Frame flower tapestry.
53. Give it to Nan.
54. Blow bubbles.
55. Do a dress-up day.
56. Take photos of the day.
57. Have 6 picnics. Am working on it - 1 so far!!!
58. 1 picnic at the beach.
59. Buy an anklet with bells on it.
60. Wash my car every week.
61. Donate some of my books.
62. See Joel once. Done!!!
63. Complete Creative Goddess Course
64. Learn Italian.
65. Find a penpal in Italy.
66. Review books.
67. Buy vegies from local market
68. Buy myself flowers 12 times.
69. Pay car off. - Yes!!!! DONE DONE DONE!
70. Tarot reading.
71. Psychic reading
72. Take brownies into work.
73. Give Jess jewelry stuff. Not anymore, because I'm actually using it myself.
74. Putt Putt Golf
75. Do more felting.
76. Private.
77. Write a book about Kimmy.
78. Buy 2 more dragon statues.
79. Organise DVDs. Done!!
80. Do a wine-tasting.
81. Spend a day out in nature. - Botanical Gardens in Coffs. Was fantastic.
82. Watch 26 movies - by alphabet.
83. Watch 2 Italian films, in Italian.
84. 30 mins to check Facebook and email per day.
85. Send homemade birthday cards. - Getting so good at it.
86. Learn how to twerk.
87. Visit Byron Bay.
88. Buy a new bra and undies set.
89. Don’t buy any health magazines (they spin out the same stuff every month, most of which I know already)
90. $100 for goddess circle. - Worth it guys!
91. Wear more dresses
92. 1 blog post every week for card and magic
93. Celebrate every Sabbat.
94. Buy a jewelry wardrobe. Done!!!
95. Finish all the books on my kindle.
96. Grow a flower.
97. Do the 21 day gratitude journal.
98. Go to Ebor falls for half a day.
99. Go to bed early.
100. Private.

I have completed quite a few since the last time I did this post. Interesting. Need to focus on completing the rest!

Butterflie kisses and warm hugs!!!
Rosalinda xoxo

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sold my First Piece of Handmade Jewellery!

As the title of this post states, I have officially sold my first piece of handcrafted jewellery! I am so proud of myself. The item that was sold was my pearl and crystal bracelet..... for someone to wear to church! I hadn't even considered church as one of the places one could wear this bracelet. A wedding yes... dinner, drinks, work, anywhere actually... but church certainly hadn't entered my mind. Have I made a profit? A small one yes, but I was more focused on the idea of actually starting to sell my jewellery. I now realised it has paid off. Watch out world, here I come!!

Rosalinda xxx

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New Step Forward

I decided to start selling my jewellery. So far, it has just been on Ebay. I actually haven't sold anything yet but at least I've put them up online. Yes it's only two things. I don't care so much about how little I have up there. It's the fact that i was brave enough to take this step. I love making jewellery. I love seeing the people I love wear my jewellery. I love how jewellery makes a person feel. So with all this in mind, I decided to go ahead and try to start up my own business. So far, it will only be selling through eBay. I could try Etsy as well. I'm just proud of myself to have taken this step forward!

Also, as a side not, this blog will primarily be about my jewellery and cards. The ones I've made and if I'm selling them.

My links to the above to items: the Pearl and Crystal Cuff
- The Pearl and Crystal Earrings

Rosalinda, xxx

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Blocking People

Have you ever "blocked" someone on Facebook? Not just delete them from your friends list, but tell Facebook, that no, this person can not see what I'm doing through our mutual friends and I don't want to see what they're doing either. I've blocked two people in the last week. It wasn't like these friendships had recently ended either and there was some chance of reconciliation. No, these relationships had been buried for a good few months now. But I still kept seeing the people pop up. Out of something (anger, betrayal, negativity, I'm not sure) that I was feeling, I would hover over the little thing to make it bigger and see what this person was writing. Then, the thoughts would start up. All these thoughts that I had already dealt with. It's frustrating, to repeat the same thing over and over. So many smart people would say, "well, don't look at it." Ah huh, yep, hearing you. Except, well... I'm not that good at it. So I decided to block them. I can't see anything they write, that mutual friends might comment on. I can't see anything that they might post in the same Facebook page as me. And they can't see me. It's a wonderful, liberating feeling. That's the thing about Facebook... you might delete someone, but that person can still pop up, often on the worse of days. It might seem childish to you, but to me, it's keeping my sanity intact.

Tomorrow will be my first post of a series that I'm trialling.... tune in for it.

Rosalinda, xoxo
